The Pink Spotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus) is the third shrimp goby species produced at ORA. These fish are quite similar to our Yellow and Blue Fin Watchman Gobies in size, shape and behavior. Their base color is a pearly white with a multitude of pink speckles adorning their flanks and head with some specimens exhibiting a slight iridescent blue hue. Depending on their mood, they may also show some faint orange bands down their sides. This species makes a great community tank resident and are not picky when it comes to food. One of the most fascinating behaviors of watchman gobies is their unique ability to pair with specific species of pistol shrimp. The sightless shrimp will tirelessly dig an extensive burrow, which the Pink Spot Watchman Goby will share. In return, the goby will keep a watchful eye for predators and alert the shrimp of incoming dangers.
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ORA Gobies